Thank You For Being Late by Thomas Friedman
The Big Idea: The rate of change has accelerated since 2007, outpacing humanity’s ability to adapt to the change. We can’t stop change, so we need to adapt.
Three forces are shaping the world: technology, globalization, and climate change.
There are four types of globalization: flow of technical knowledge, the flow of business, the flow of money, the flow of human connection.
Climate change is accelerating so fast, it’s approaching the planet’s limit to absorb the changes.
Areas of climate change where we might be too late: global warming, loss of biodiversity, deforestation, and imbalance of nutrient flows.
Areas of climate change where we approaching dangerous limits; ocean acidification, and pollution.
High human population accelerates climate change.
We can’t slow down these changes, so we need to learn how to adapt.
To adapt to changes in the workplace: establish lifelong learning programs, build tools to better match people to jobs, update social contracts.
To adapt to changes in geopolitics: assist weaker nations to avoid mass migrations, maintain enough military power to deter, discourage agents of chaos.
To adapt to changes in domestic affairs: mimic natural systems, such as division of labor, and natural selection.
To adapt to changes in morality: increase ethics education, build healthy communities.