What They Don’t Teach You At Business School About Entrepreneurship

-startups are best for people who crave flexibility, excitement -partners (cofounders) are great, it’s so difficult to do it all by yourself -it’s okay to not have all the answers; trust in the process and in yourself to find the answers when you need them -focus on the process and the results will take care…

Scaling Up Excellence by Robert Sutton and Huggy Rao

Scaling Up Excellence by Robert Sutton and Huggy Rao

THE BIG IDEA Scaling is a ground war, not just an air war. Scaling requires grinding it out; building the organization brick by brick, day after day. One more metaphor…it’s a marathon, not a sprint. META LESSONS 1. All scaling issues are basically the same across all organizations and industries. 2. Scaling entails more than…