Advice From First Round Capital

The Most Dangerous Leadership Traps — and the 15-Minute Daily Practice That Will Save You

  • Spend 15 minutes a day in reflection — true reflection, in a quiet space, with your inbox closed.
  • Take this time to review the events of the previous day and make plans for the one coming up.
  • At the end of every week, run the same exercise for an hour and review the entire week.
  • 1. Ask: Did you execute on your plan? (IT)
  • 2. Ask: Did you take care of your team? (WE)
  • 3. Ask: Did you manage your own energy and mood? (I)
  • Why do all of this? Reflecting accelerates learning.

Here’s the Advice I Give All of Our First Time Founders

  • Focus on three things: hire the right people, don’t run out of money, always have a North Star.
  • That’s all.  People.  Cash.  Mission.