Written by my Entrepreneurship professor at Kellogg.
Ch 1
- luck is opportunity meets preparation
- learn how to overcome rejection
Ch 2
- believe in your dream
- take the angel money
- do what you know and love
- believe in yourself
- project conservatively
Ch 3
- keep your business plan informal at first
- be ready to pivot or even change ideas
- when talking to investors only talk about one business idea
Ch 4
- don’t let your fears hold you back
Ch 5
- entrepreneurship means independence
- don’t waste money on real estate if not necessary for your business
- immigrants have an advantage
- there is life after bankruptcy
Ch 6
- to conquer a fear, first understand it
- good enough never is
- failing doesn’t make you a failure
- in the long run failing may be better for you
- an entrepreneur’s secret weapon is his spirit
- projects fail, entrepreneurs do not
- if you dwell on failure, you will fail
Ch 7
- beware the comfortable and secure life
- something the security of a corporate track may feel like a prison
Ch 8
- entrepreneurship is not gambling
- risk is unavoidable
- managers avoid or reduce risk
- entrepreneurs focus on the reward
- investors want to know that you’re risking something too
- venture capitalists want you to succeed
Ch 9
- to entrepreneurs, work = life
- work ethic is found very early in life
- he who makes money pleases god
- puritans work to work, entrepreneurs work to achieve a goal
- entrepreneurial work is fun
- do you work b/c you love it or to achieve your dreams
- Bill Gates still works 80 hrs/week
Ch 10
- entrepreneurs are sometimes unemployable
- be different
- some rules are sacred and some can be bent
Ch 11
- rules that can be broken: it can’t be done, that’s the only way to do it, they are the only ones who can do it, anyone can do it
Ch 12
- you don’t really fail until you give up
- you make mistakes not really fail
Ch 13
- practice endlessly before the opportunity arrives
- pick a partner for the bad times not the good
- useful advisors: CPA, insurance, lawyer
Ch 14
- work hard
- take care of your body
- don’t forget your family
Ch 15
- someone has to be the leader
- leaders craft and communicate a vision and strategy
- leaders inspire others to follow them
- deep down, everyone wants to be an entrepreneur, let them be one through you
- be the team’s biggest cheerleader
- demonstrate publicly your willingness to sacrifice
Ch 16
- you can do it
Ch 17
- for entrepreneurs, money is the vehicle not the destination
Ch 18
- keep trying